Advice & Support for Parents

How to get the support your child needs when they are in school.


School plays an important part in most children and young peoples’ lives. School is the place where children develop friendships, learn to be part of a social group and of course access an education that will eventually lead to qualifications and skills for employment later in life. Knowing who can help you get the right support for your child can seem like a challenge, we are here to help.

Health Concerns 

We are very fortunate to work with the School Nursing  drop in clinic across both sites. They can offer advice on health concerns including sleep, toileting and diet. Disruption to school because of illness can have a significant impact on children’s social, emotional and educational development.

Young Minds, a leading mental health advice charity, which runs a Parents Helpline offering advice to parents and carers worried about a child or young person under 25. They also offer more general advice for parents.

Just like adults, children and young people feel worried and anxious at times.  The NHS  have techniques that you may find useful as well as a list of other professional who can help.

LGTBQ Support

As a parent, you may have understandable questions or concerns if you think that your child might be lesbian, gay, bi and/or trans (LGBT). Stonewall  have answered some of those questions for you.

If your child is struggling with their gender or thinks they are transgender, Youngminds have advice and information on what you can do and where you can get help.

SEND Concerns

We recognise that  some children need extra support in class in order for them to reach their full potential. If you have any concerns about your child’s Special Educational Needs please contact Claire Filson at or through the school office.

Portsmouth Council’s Local Offer: Portsmouth Local Offer

Behaviour Support

Triple P  discussion groups are two and half hour sessions giving parents and carers opportunities to focus on specific areas of child behaviour.

Online Safety

National Online Safety have tips and advice on how to keep your child safe online. While the emotional aspects of bullying continue to be devastating, the internet and social media have changed the way children experience bullying. Cyberbullying, simply put, is bullying that happens online through social, gaming or instant messaging platforms.  Internet Matters  have created a hub of advice to prepare them for what they might encounter online and practical ways to tackle cyberbullying should it happen.

Other Advice & Support

Female genital mutilation is illegal. NSPCC  have advice to help you keep children and young people safe.

Child Bereavement UK help children, young people, parents, and families to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or when a child dies.

Family Action  transforms lives by providing practical, emotional and financial support to those who are experiencing poverty, disadvantage and social isolation across the country.